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✨Welcome to the Intuitive Rose Temple! I help confused New Earth Leaders to go from running around with their head cut off to clear, concise, and confident in their leadership so that they can embody their soul’s downright SEXY glory!✨

I believe your success as a New Earth Leader can be found through something called Intuitive Rose Leadership. ✨🌹✨

Intuitive Rose Leadership is a Sacred Biotechnology that expresses the glory of your soul's unique vibrational frequency of New Earth Leadership IN form.

I used to feel stuck and resentful while living in the Fallen Matrix I was told to believe is planet Earth, but with my Intuitive Rose Leadership Codex, I’m able to embody my soul mission with ease and grace to lead my own unique way to the New Earth.

My mission is to inspire New Earth Leadership through the Empathic Embodiment of Kingdom Hearts - Our Heart of Hearts.
I believe that New Earth Leadership is readily available for anyone who's willing to Empathically Embody the Holy Phoenix Fire of their Heart's Truest Desire.


Zachary Michael is an Intuitive Rose Oracle who channels Intuitive Rose Leadership to show New Earth Leaders in crisis the unique way their soul's destiny has been leading them all along. ✨🌹✨ 

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